Buddy the Cat




Buddy the Cat

and His Pal

Winston the Parakeet



The last time we saw Buddy, he was napping and hoping for a parakeet.

He had to wait several weeks but he knew he had been promised one.

He could hardly wait for a parakeet of his own.

When the parakeet finally arrived, Buddy could hardly believe his eyes.
Here is Buddy's face the first time he saw the bird. He is so happy! Here is the parakeet's face, the first time she saw Buddy. Doesn't she look satisfied and happy? She was not afraid of Buddy.

I am so glad you are here! I will name you Winston, Buddy said. Winston and Buddy often have long conversations. It's as if they have known each other forever. And they like napping together.

Baby Emmie wants to see.
You have to be very slow and gentle, Emmie,
 if you are going to see my parakeet.

Buddy allows baby Emmie
to look at Winston.

At night, Winston sleeps in Buddy's room. Her cage hangs from a hook and chain from the ceiling. She can see everything in the room and she can see Buddy sleeping below.

She is thrilled she was brought here to be Buddy's bird.

Winston watches carefully over Buddy as he sleeps, because, unknown to them all, she has always wanted
