Our Family Albums

Our Family Albums

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Home page of Our Family Album

These pages are set at 800 x 600 and viewed by Explorer Internet 6.0, text is "normal". 
Click on the album you would like to visit, active  links are underlined. The surnames of the maternal and paternal families are listed, visit the albums to see connecting families and choices of other albums.  When contacting us regarding any of the albums, please indicate which album you are referring to in the subject of your message.

Joe and Jo Autrey

Joe and sons, Allen, Brian and Ronny


Joe's Family Album Collection

Jo's Family Album Collection

Alexander Autrey Beasley Endsley Carpenter Gaddis Lyon  Sheppard


Our original site, Jo's Front Porch and Genealogy has moved to another sever.  Please feel free to visit it as it contains over 200 pages on the Autrey family and connecting lines and includes many documents, links (some non-genealogical), personal writings, web rings and favorite sites of personal interest, including Art Bell, Mark Lowry and many others, At the moment, there is not a link back to this site, so be sure to return to complete your visit.

These are the primary maternal and paternal surnames for our families.  Visiting the surnames will show related family surnames and albums

As the albums are added, the links will become active. Please be patient as this is a new site and much work is  to be done to scan and prepare the pictures to share here.  This site will be developed as time  permits.

This section will focus on sharing more about us, not just a lot of names, dates and places, but a part of our lives, both in text as well as pictures.  Since the cowardly act of September 11, 2001, most of us have realized just how precious life is and that we only have the moment, nothing else is promised or guaranteed.  This section of the site will focus on our many family albums collected through 23 years of marriage.  Joe and I thank all our family members who shared their albums with us, full credit is given to everyone when possible.  Many photos were taken at various family reunions and other special events we attended through the years.

If you have any questions regarding this site, please contact me.  If you have pictures to share, full credit will be given. If you find broken links, be sure to let me know so they can be repaired.

06/22/2002 05:13 PM -0500

Home page of Our Family Album

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© 2002 by Jo Autrey and this sites contributors. All rights reserved. This information may be used by libraries, genealogical societies, and for personal use, however, commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior permission of the owners. Stories, photos and records cannot be copied and reposted on any other website or be redistributed without permission. If copied, this notice must appear with materials.  You may link to these pages as long as it is obvious it is not a part of another web but is owned by Jo Autrey or is Our Family Album..