Hopton Family Tree

Hopton Family Tree

Read about the early  Hopton Family History 

This is family tree of my Grandmother, Daisy Hopton.
Amost all of the people shown in this family tree were born and lived their whole lives in Yorkshire, England
(My grandma was 100% Yorkshire born and bred, back to her Great grandparents !!)

      	Anthony	  Mary					  Thomas   Madelaine				   William   Ann    Thomas
      	Eastgate  Simpson				Appleyard   Day					   Buttery + Farrer  Oddy
	B.1694       |  				  B.1716		 			   B.17xx   B.1715    |       
	    |________|	  				     |______|          	   				|_______|     |
   	   	 |									  			  |           /
Joseph		Mary	 John 	Mary	    	Thomas	   Joshua   Hannah Joseph				John +   Martha  John   Betty
Hopton		Eastgate Smith	Hobman?         Marshall   Appleyard Brown  Hall				Buttery    Oddy   Scott  Glover
B~1734		B.1738	  |       |	      	   |	     |       |	    /			 		B.1735      	    |        |    
|________________|	  |_______|		    \	     |_______|	   /				        |_____________|     |________| 
       |		    | 			     \		|	  /				             |              	  |
    Anthony	 	   Esther	James	Isaac Mary     George   Mary Joshua Obedience 	George Martha    Richard      	    	 Ann	
    Hopton	 + 	   Smith	Benn	Cliff Marshall Appleyard Hall Briggs Bentley 	Oates Pollard     Buttery +   	   	Scott
     |	 	 	    |	 	B.1775	  |	  |     B.1795    |   |        |     	  |     |        B.1779      	   	B.1777
     |______________________|   	|_____|   |_______| 	 |________|   |________|      	  |_____|          |______________________|
        |   	    	   	           |	       |	     |    	  | 	             |			  |
    Christopher	       			Elizabeth     John	 Elizabeth  	Thomas  Margaret  Joseph     		 Ann
      Hopton      	+		Benn         Cliff   +  Appleyard   	Briggs + Harper   Oates     	   +	Buttery 
        |	         		B.1806      B.1819	   B.1817    	|	 |        B.1805     		B.1807
        |_________________________________|	     	|____________|       	|________|	     |____________________|
	    |			       	      		   |		             |		         	   |
         William		  			Eliza Marshall	 	Charles	  	   		Martha
	 Hopton		      	    + 		   	Cliff		 	Briggs      	+   		Oates	  
	 B.1840		     	    			B.1843		 	B.1822		    		B.1843
	    |______________________________________________|		   	   |_______________________________|
	    	        |						     			|
	   	   Walter Cliff					    	  			Annie 
		     Hopton		     			+ 				Briggs
		     B.1867					   				B.1870

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