
The Lives of Percy and Betty Lumsden

Percy and Betty Lumsden were my parents.

I created this website in their honor, to share with other family members our memories, stories and pictures.

This is only part of the story of their lives, of course, one told from the perspective of a daughter, but I hope to have a offered an honest and insightful portrayal of them.

It is also a nostalgic look back in time. I have shared with you all the digitized memorabilia and artifacts that have been saved and preserved in the treasure trove that was the attic in our old house.

This site is large, with many pictures. It is best viewed with Internet Explorer. Other browsers may not display the layout correctly.

There are many links to more pictures; click on the underlined words to view.

Please leave your comments in the Guestbook below.

If you find a mistake, or if you would like to see some additional information added, please contact me. I will be adding more information to this site on a regular basis.

Thanks to everyone who gave information for this site, especially Aunt Mildred and Aunt Ruth on the Lumsden side; their memories really help!


Percy - The Early Years

Betty - The Early Years

Percy - The Early Years (Page 2)

Betty - The Early Years (Page 2)

Percy - Growing Up

Betty - Growing Up

Percy - Off To War!

Percy - After the War

Percy and Betty - Marriage and Family Life

Percy and Betty - The 1950's

Percy and Betty - The 1960's

Percy and Betty - The Later Years


I added a new guestbook today, so please sign when you visit!

Sign Our Guestbook



I hear ethereal whispers,
persuasive, soft and still,
"Daughter, if you don't remember us,
who will?"